Glossary for Patient Reports and Guidelines

Symbol Description
Age/Sex Filter - A line which determines that subsequent lines only display according to certain age or sex criteria, for example, all females over 25 years. The filter Both Sexes, All Ages cancels any previous line filter, see Guidelines - Using Age/Sex Filters for details.
Bitmap or Simple bitmap - Use to insert an image into a guideline, see Guidelines - Adding an Image for details.
  Category - The sort of line included in a report or guideline, for example, sub-heading, patient data, drug default, guideline, prescribing message, reference, multi-media.
Clinical Data Hotspot - Use to add an image that when selected triggers an action, for example, an Add, Edit or Display screen, see Clinical Data Hotspot for details.
/ Collapse All/Expand All - Select to collapse or expand all the lines of the selected guideline.
Copy - Select to copy selection to your clipboard, or press Ctrl + C on your keyboard. The original content is retained.
Cut - Select to cut your selection and move it to your clipboard, or press Ctrl + X on your keyboard. The original content is removed.
Delete - Select to delete a line in a report, see Guidelines/Reports Design - Delete for details.
  Drag and Drop - Moving lines elsewhere within reports in design mode, see Guidelines - Copy, Cut, Paste, Drag and Drop Options for details
Drug Class List - A drug regime from an Drug class rather than the dictionary, see Guidelines - Adding a Drug Class List for details.
Drug Information for Patient - Use to add drug specific information that can be printed and handed to a patient to a guideline, see Guidelines - Adding Drug Information for details.
Drug Regime - An ordered collection of drug defaults providing a prescribing protocol, see Guidelines - Adding a Drug Regime for details.
Embed Guideline - Use to embed an existing guideline or report into on you are creating or updating, see Embedding a Guideline for details.
External Applications - Use to trigger an external application, such as Notepad, Word, LibreOffice or Excel. As well as any file, for example saved Word files or a web page, see Guidelines - External Applications for details.
Export a Guideline - Once you have perfected your guideline, you can export it to disk or another directory, see Exporting a Guideline for details.
Go to New Line - Select to insert a carriage return for a new line, see Guidelines/Reports Design - Insert new line for details.
Go - Select to perform selected action(s), often Print, and exit (not used in Design Mode). Usually you block highlight the section beforehand to select it, for instance printing a patient advice section.
/ Guideline Index Closed/Open - Select to display your Guidelines Index.
  Levels and Text Indents - The hierarchy of lines within a report, determining the lines displayed when expanding or collapsing. Indents define the distance from the left margin and are tied up with the level, see Line Levels and Text Indents for details.
  • Maintenance mode - An on/off toggle, select to turn design mode on or off, displayed as depressed when in design mode, see Creating New Local Guidelines and Patient Reports for details.
  •   Mnemonic - The shorthand word that displays a report template, up to 10 characters, for example, ENCFORM is the mnemonic for the Encounter Report, SIGHIST for Significant History Report, see Guideline and Report Header for details.
    Paste - Select to paste your copied or cut content to your cursor positionor press Ctrl + V on your keyboard.
    Patient Advice - Use to add advice for the patient which can be printed out, Guidelines - Patient Advice for details.
    Patient Data - A data line that merges with data for the currently selected patient, such as a blood pressure result or an address, see Guidelines - Adding Patient Data to Display for details.
    Patient Data Grid - Use to add a management plan, see Guidelines - Adding a Patient Data Grid for details.
    Patient Reports - Use to select and print Patient Reports, see Report Index and Printing a Patient Report for details.
      Plan - Another name for a report or form
    Plan Header Update - The title of a report, for example, Encounter Report, see Guideline and Report Header for details.
    Print - Select to print the guideline or any related text, see Guidelines - Patient Advice for details.
      Properties - Use to define the properties of a line within a guideline, see Properties for details.
    Open - Use to display the Select by Mnemonic screen and choose a guideline, see Selecting Guidelines for details.
    Save - Select to save the changes you have made.
    Style - Use to copy properties from one line/category to another, see Guidelines/Reports Design - Style for details.

    Record diagnosis - READ term and Record Diagnosiswith a pre-selected Read Term in a Guideline - see READ term and Record Diagnosis.

    Return - see Carriage Return

    Right mouse - Use the right mouse on a line of an expanded report to show the normal menu of Item View, List, Consultation View, Graph, Problems, Edit, Delete. In design mode, with Design mode/Maintenance on, the menu becomes Properties, Insert line before, Insert line after, Delete, Plan Header. See Right mouse options in Design Mode/Maintenance.

    Selectable - When is line is marked as selectable, then a mouse click on that line will highlight and select it ready for an action, such as printing. Only lines with no children may be marked as selectable. See Word Wrap, Selectable, Initially Expanded, Embedded

    Sub-Heading - Sub-heading - Level 1 line in Report or Guideline, for example, Significant Medical History (see also Sub-heading in Guideline).

    Text - Text can either be imported from elsewhere or typed in free text, to create patient advice, prescribing messages, references. for guidelines (see Text line categories in guidelines). Text icon on floating toolbar

    Text Indent - A visual way of showing line level hierarchies (see Line Levels and Text Indents).

    Toolbar - See Floating Toolbar - and Icons

    User mode - Design mode/Maintenance switched off.

    Video - Within a guideline, include a Video to run a short extract of film relevant to the guideline topic, for example, ultrasound.

    Word Wrap - Defines whether the text wraps on to a new line at the end of a box. If the box is re-sized, the text will change in length. If word wrap is not selected, then the text is shown as one line only, with a horizontal scroll bar. See Word Wrap, Selectable, Initially Expanded, Embedded